
Inspirational Poems about Life to Uplift and Encourage

These collections of inspirational poems about life and poems to uplift and encourage are words of inspirational wisdom that would inspire you.

Poems to Uplift and Encourage

Inspirational poems about life just like friendships are built on daily inspiration. The moment you inspire someone, you make their life blossom and the reward of it is something that makes the heart glad. 
For the people you love, here are uplifting words of encouragement poems that you can send to inspire the people who are so special to you. Short Poems On Nature With Rhyming Words And Short Poems About Nature In English

Inspirational Poems About Life. Here are motivational poems and inspirational words of wisdom that you can share with the people you love. 
Friends or Foxes
Who is a friend?
And who is a fox?
The question only the heart knows.
Friends are never in doubt
But a journey to their heart
Is a lesson that proves her reward.
Friends! They came when the star was bright
And disappears immediately it becomes dark
Oh friend! Life teaches us a lesson.
Well! Never bothered about them
If you keep your heart to their ways
You will live to become nothing.
Guard your heart with your hands
And work out your salvation without trembling
Because life to all is nothing but a game of choice.
Nsikak Andrew 
29th October, 2013
Vineyard Of Life
In the pastured vineyard of life,
We work so hard to make a daily living,
Staking all we have within our swear,
Just to make our lives worth our taste. 
Sometimes it works, sometimes it fails,
But in the hope for a better day ahead,
We kept our hope alive with thoughts,
Only the help from above can unify.
Life oh life! Life oh life! Life oh life!
Ironic of life that lowers our worth,
Life so sad with endless emotions of trust,
That twinkle our glory like faded stars.
The life that may never give us our worth,
Yet filled with ceaseless praises of doubt,
That makes us feel as if we are nothing,
Whereas we are a bundle of hidden talent.
Co-labourers we are here on a mission,  
A timeless mission that might take us time,
The endless time to understand its mystery,
That beckons with an unending call to service.
The mission, oh that mission for a reason,
That mission whose grace is our definition,
The same that defines our given purpose,
To be or not to be who we desired to be.
My Co-labourers, take this as an issue of note,
Driven by the essence of our highlighted dreams,
To guide our life with daily deeper meditation,
That in all we do, there is an unexpected end.
The end will come, it will certainly come,
And when it comes, how prepared are we,
To withstand the uncertainty of that transition,
That will take us to the life we had prepared.
Oh, my Co-labourers, let us do all we have to do,
And let it be when the light for us is still shining,
Let us live our lives like we have a mission here,
To accomplish the fulfilment of our given purpose. 
Nsikak Andrew 
15th May, 2014
Home Improvement Loan
Home improvement loan
Learn to improve your life
Learn to calculate your rate
If you can do that
Your life will be better.
Take a loan
And improve your life
If you can't own a home
Your best bet is the home loan
Nsikak Andrew

Poems To Uplift And Encourage. These are inspirational poems and quotes ideas to encourage and uplift one for the fulfilment of life purposes.  

Beauty In Life
Though life might not give us all that we desired
But we can get all that we want out of life
Life is beautiful so we should make beauty out of it
So our life would be a beauty for others to emulate.
If we respect our lives the way we are
So shall life respect us the way it should
But where we fail to make it so
The same to us should we expect.
Life is like the law of Karma
To her, that which you give
So shall you receive in return
And not the other way around.
The beauty in life is to be upright all the time
Standing where it needs to be and where it matters
And keeping on the right track where it is possible
But never to disrespect the days of little beginning.
If you skip from it, dwell not in blaming yourself
But rather get up, move up and keep skipping
For it is in your dare determination that life
Will accord to you the beauty of her many trophies.
So keep up, live up
For life will ever accord to you her beauties
If and only if you keep to her beauty
Which only the beauty of life can give.
Nsikak Andrew
23rd November, 2012
In a bond of hope,
We were created to love
In the bond of friendship
We were meant to be one
Like a bunch of broom
We were not to be separated
But be bound in togetherness.
Like two heads
We are better than one
But stronger than all
For in togetherness
We were meant to blossom
Like pasture that never fades.
Nsikak Andrew
19th & 20th December, 2007
Mothers Strength
Salty smokes from the eyes of a caring mother
Heated by a flame of ashes that sprung from her firewood
Yet she must obey the timing of nature
That the stomach of her family would suffer no hunger.
With a hymn of songs in our month, she hums
As a clap of hands re-echoes inside her cooking pot
Gathered in are the kings with their combined aroma
As she pours the condiments that arouses the air.
In a while, her palatable meal would be ready
That a plate served would be a call for another
Hunger shall be banished in the stomach of her children
As smiles would be the strength of her household.
African women my pride, womanhood our strength
Complaining has never been their ego
For they are trained by maidens,
To nurture the belly of their land.
Nsikak Andrew
17th May, 2007

Motivational Poems For Success. Here are unsung famous inspirational poems and all-time best inspirational quotes for success. 

Wisdom Of Our Fathers
Stories abound
Histories never forget the past,
If the cap fits a man, let him wear it
So says the wisdom of our fathers.
He, whom the gods have favoured
He is favoured indeed.
A child that must eat with the Elders
Such should learn to wash their hands clean
For that which goes up, must surely come down.
So says the wisdom of our fathers.
If you live in a glass house
Learn not to throw a stone
For as you make your bed
So shall you lie on it
So says the wisdom of our fathers.
Tell this wise saying to the youth
Let the Elders increase in wisdom
For where a piece of advice is given
To a child that has a parent
Let him that have none listen
A word for the use is enough.
Nsikak Andrew
2nd November, 2006 & 1st January, 2007
Life Is Sharing
Show me a rich man
And I will show you
A man who shares his knowledge
To life, what have you given?
That you expect so much from it?
Gifts are for sharing
Why bury you gift
On the sand of time
Show me an untapped talent
And I will walk you
Through the cemetery.
Your gifts are for life-sharing
Share all you have to share
Reveal all you have to hide
Help save a dying generation
Life is all about sharing.
Nsikak Andrew
9th August, 2002
None Could
Who can withdraw the Will
Made from the throne of Grace
None could!
Who can fight His power?
And live to tell the end
None could!
When He says Yes
Who can say No
None could!
When He lifts up
Who can put down
None could!
Who can tell His ways?
Nor knows His Will
None could!
Who can share His throne?
And deliver a perfect judgement
None could!
Who can be like Him?
A blemished lamb
Whose blood redeemed us
From our iniquities
None could and none would!
Nsikak Andrew
11th August, 2002
Poetry Quotes About Love And Life. We have for you here short poetry quotes about love and life that would forever be a delight to the people you love if you care to share it with them.  Poems About Loving Someone Unconditionally And Breathtaking Love Poems For Someone Special
Your worth and values are not replacements. Your care and kindheartedness are priceless. Your love and smile are irresistible. Truly, you are a diamond that shall never fade.
Even if everyone glances through, they would be blind to see the priceless worth of your love. Your love is priceless and to it, I shall live for the rest of my life.
Honey is sweeter but your love is the sweetest. Gold has a price tag but your love is priceless. If I have to choose between both, I rather will choose you.
Your worth and values are irreplaceable. Your care and kindheartedness are priceless. Your love and smiles are irresistible. Truly you are a diamond that never fades.
I think of the greatest refreshment in life and all I could think of is your love that is so refreshing to my life and that which is priceless with the worth that money can’t buy.
I prayed for a guardian angel who would guard me all the way and when I thought my prayers weren’t answered; you came like a guardian angel and swept me off my feet with the beauty that is your love.
The tenderness of your love brings smiles and sunshine into my life. These smiles will always be there as long as you stay and love me the way you do.
You are the sun, moon and star I see. Above all you are the love I have. Nothing can separate my love for you. You are my everlasting love.
I have and will always love you. You are my sunshine, my joy, my happiness and my hope. Loving you makes me a happy person.
Whatsoever is worth starting is worth starting well. And that which is started must of necessity have an end. It is in the ending that we could deduct from it if actually what we started is of benefit to us and others. When you set out to start a thing, have it in mind to bring it to the rightful conclusion. It is not how you start that should matter but the result you get at the end of it all because it is in this that people will judge and celebrate your effort. So if you set out to start anything, make sure you have the entire plan to make you start well for it is in it that the end becomes a sweet story to tell.
Anything that has a beginning must have an end. And the end is where you need rest to recreate your mind in the actual recreation of life. When you work without rest, you endanger your health which also affects your mindset to reason. Resting after accomplishing a mission is what will refresh you for another new beginning. Resting makes you revalidate yourself and keep your mind fresh to begin another process of creative expansion which is what you need to grow any seed of ideas in your mind. 
Evaluation of life's purpose will always take place when you have ascertained all that you have put in place to make life have meaning. Take time always to appreciate the level you are at every moment in your life. Your appreciation of where you are will always give you an edge to make things right when you discover you have gone wrong. When you work without taking a rest to ascertain things, you might go wrong and may never discover it which is not a fertile ground to make your seed become effective for all-round expansion.
That which is the little seed in your hand is worth a fortune. Do not feel that what is in your hand is too little to make you a fortune. When you have faith in your ability and put in your best to make it worth the value, you will develop the mindset to expand that which is in your hand. Your seed is what should be grown and it should be what should expand beyond your generation. Those coming after you should be able to also grow that seed and pass it on to another generation of yours. No seed in you should be left stagnant. The reason you have a seed is for that seed to be a blessing to you, others and beyond your generation.
Remember that as a living being, you are like a plant that one day shall wither way. If you have a consciousness of this, then you should within your strength, make every day count. What you have in you should not be delayed in bringing it to manifestation. You need to move with the moving time and always try to be on top. Your dream is your power to make your world become a reality. If you delay, you might never fulfil that dream of yours. You should wake up early and never delay, move with time and have it in mind to affect your generation on time before it becomes too late. Your life is for a purpose; make it count right on time before it withers away.
When you have faith in your ability to make your seed become productive, the Lord will surprise you with unlimited possibilities. The reason the Lord gives you a seed is for the fulfilment of a purpose. Do not let your seed die inside of you. You have all it takes to bring your seed to fulfilment of your purpose. All you need is to have faith and believe in the promises of God who created you. Though things might not be as you think at some point all things forever will work for your good if you believe. Believe that you have a God who has a purpose for your life and when you believe He will make a way and bring His purpose for your life to its manifestation. 
We as human beings are the product of God’s creation. And this creation of us is for a definite purpose. We on our own should not live like we have no calling in our life. The life we live is not our own but that which belongs to our God. We should daily reference Him in all we do and not ascribe any glory to ourselves. If the strength was not given to us by God, we would be nothing. The moment you reference God, He makes a way for you even in difficult times. There is nothing we can do to deny His existence because we are not the one who created ourselves. It takes nothing to reference God as long as you have the consciousness that you are not the owner of your life. When you reference God for sure this is what will do us good rather than harm. Let your spirit, body and soul glorify your Creator for in it you will always have a good reward.
The product that is you is a product that should be a blessing to your generation. When you live and behave in a way that has no rewarding value for your life, you make a mockery of your creation. You have the authority and mandate that was given to you by God right from the day before you become a living being to take your life into your own hands and make meaning out of the person that is you. In everything you do, know that it is you who has the willpower to change your life. Whatsoever you will become is a product of your deep desire to be that person that you always want to be. Even though God has a purpose for your life, if you are not in tune with His calling for your life, you may live never to discover that purpose. All you need is to always ask for His grace and purpose for your life. When that is revealed to you, you will live in it and never struggle to accomplish it rather than when you seek to live on your own. At all times, always ask for God’s Will concerning your life. When you have His Will, you will forever live at ease to fulfil His purpose for your life.
Though knowledge is power, you actually need to thirst for it. And though everything in life seems to be pleasant, you need to discipline yourself to accept that which is good for your life. Do not let people talk you into doing that which will bring a curse upon your life. It is not everything that looks good that is actually good. Life is full of people with deceitful characters and in dealing with them; you need to guide your heart with all diligence and never to allow greed set into your heart. The reason some become culprits in any matter is all because of their inborn desire for greed. Be careful of people with cunning and subtle characters for they have a way of making you go against your will. Let your heart at all times be guided by the truth. When you have your instinct intact to stand your ground against any evil at any time, you will have a right standing with God and that is also what will help you protect your life against any evil that might seek to consume your life.
To achieve life success, you don’t need to attach yourself to one line of reasoning. When you are dedicated to one line of thinking, then achieving success might become slim. Open up your mind to different ways of reasoning but in it, have focus. When you try one line of achievement and seem to fail at it, try another. It is when you keep trying and never accept to quit that along the line you will discover that which is suited for you. And when that is discovered stick to it till you find success within it. Expanding into another line of endeavour should only be made possible after you have made a success out of the one in your hand. When you seem to trade at everything without having any focus for one at first, you might work all your life without achieving anything at all. Master what you know at first before seeking to expand into another one.

Short Inspirational Poems. Here are inspirational poems and short words of inspiration to make a meaningful impact in life.

How Deep Is Your Love
The sea is so deep
It houses the fish
The sky is so high
That the birds could reach
The forest is so wide
That it harbours all creature
How deep then is your love?
The nectar,
A feeding place for the butterfly
The nest,
A resting place for the birds
The web,
A protector for the spiders
Where do you place your love?
Your mouth,
Does it reflect your heart’s thoughts?
Your foot-steps,
Does love direct her?
Your action,
Does it show love?
Think more,
How deep is your love?
Nsikak Andrew
10th August 2002
Clear My Throat
I hate publicity
And anything that has to do with it
Certainly, count me out
Now come to think of it
How could you accomplished
A God-given talent
Without falling in love with publicity.
I thought publicity was for those
Who wants to create an environment
For them to be noticed, but hide as you may
The golden fish has no hiding place.
I have hidden for too long
Now is the time to clear my throat
And get busy with this fun
I cherished it so much.
I realize many have talents
But how to express them becomes a problem
Many allowed their talents to die in them
Some do not believe that they are worthy
Of their precious given talents.
Some envy others' talent without knowing
That theirs are greater than those they envy
Some are just follow-follow
Everything they see others do, they want to do the same
Now tell me, were you born the same day?
Why not be yourself
For being yourself
Is only how you can discover
And achieve your talent
Stop being follow-follow.
Nsikak Andrew

Gains In Humility
Humble yourself that you will gain all,
And make yourself live a life of humility;
To gain all is to be humble at all times,
And never let pride define your person.
Those who are humble have a way with life,
They are like a tree planted by the riverside;
Their life is a blessing to all around their abode,
Always willing to be a channel which others rejoice.
Show me a man of humility and I will show you,
A man who understood the principles of service.
Nsikak Andrew 
5th January, 2015

Short Motivational Poems For Students. The short poems are inspirational poetry quotes that would inspire your Life as a student for success. 
Life Between Us
Every chapter of our lives,
Has a purpose for its existence;
And that purpose is for us,
To make it manifest in our life.
We are created for a divine purpose,
To make our world a living testimony;
That all who come around us will feel,
The essence of the One who created all.
Between us is a bond to change our world,
And live a life that is worthy of emulation;
A life that can make others feel the love,
To be an agent of change at all times.
And how would this come to be,
When we seem to live in disagreement;
And forgetting the first commandment,
Which is to love one another as ourselves. 
Between us is the commandment to love,
Just as love is the key to break all hurts;
And free our narrow minds from all hatred,
That takes us away from who we ought to be.
Nsikak Andrew 
19th December, 2014
Beauty In Life
Though life might not give us all that we desired
But we can get all that we want out of life
Life is beautiful so we should make beauty out of it
So our life would be a beauty for others to emulate.
If we respect our lives the way we are
So shall life respect us the way it should
But where we fail to make it so
The same to us should we expect.
Life is like the law of Karma
To her, that which you give
So shall you receive in return
And not the other way around.
The beauty in life is to be upright all the time
Standing where it needs to be and where it matters
And keeping on the right track where it is possible
But never to disrespect the days of little beginning.
If you skip from it, dwell not in blaming yourself
But rather get up, move up and keep skipping
For it is in your dare determination that life
Will accord to you the beauty of her many trophies.
So keep up, live up
For life will ever accord to you her beauties
If and only if you keep to her beauty
Which only the beauty of life can give.
Nsikak Andrew 
23rd November, 2012
Brighter Day
Though it may sound rough,
And friends might mock you;
Though it might look discouraging,
But hold on there is a brighter day.
Though life might not give you all,
That you desire from her embrace;
Though you may wish it never was,
But hold on there is a brighter day.
There is a brighter day for those,
Whose faith holds on to their dream;
With a determined heart of braveness,
That neither the thorns of life can deter.
Hold unto that which you desire,
And never let anyone discourage you;
For you are the products of your destiny,
The one alone that will fulfil your dream.
A brighter day is here, so shall it always be,
If you can tell yourself the simplest truth;
By connecting your mind to deeds of hard work,
Then be sure that your brighter day is ahead.
Nsikak Andrew 
20th December, 2014

Inspirational Quotes Poetry. Here are short inspirational poems ideas and quotes to inspire the hidden potential inside of you. 

How Deep
The sea is so deep
It houses the fish
The sky is so high
That the birds could reach
The forest is so wide
That it harbours all creature
How deep then is your love?
The nectar,
A feeding place for the butterfly
The nest,
A resting place for the birds
The web,
A protector for the spiders
Where do you place your love?
Your mouth,
Does it reflect your heart’s thoughts?
Your foot-steps,
Does love direct her?
Your action,
Does it show love?
Think more,
How deep is your love?
Nsikak Andrew   
10th August 2002
Nature Is Life
Halt the air; live to die
Stay indoors, live in self-prison
Refuse to make friends, live in a lonely Island
Nature is life.
Inhale the gentle morning air, live to life
Open your heart like the morning Rose
Live a satisfied life
Rest like an eagle, and live a life of no fear
Nature is life.
Hear the chuckle cry of the insects
The reverberating drums of the elephant grass
Survey the baritone cries of the owl
Nature is life.
If nature is not life, then live in pain and stress
If you want to kill boredom, stroll through the moonlight
If you want to clear a worried mind and soul
Then take a walk through the seashore
If it doesn't give you a piece of mind,
Then nature is not life.
Nsikak Andrew 
14th March, 2002
Diplomatic Anger 
In zipped smiles
Brawls turn into laughter
In tune of politeness
Egoism dissolved in pleading.
I have found the key to happiness
I have found the key to everlasting joy
Oh! Search no further
Look in between the line
And unlock this secret.
Nsikak Andrew 
10th October, 2007 & 18th January, 2008

Poetry Quotes About Life. Life is worth living if we understand the values within it. These poetry quotes about life are words of wisdom that you can share and gain one or two things from it. 
Life Is Sharing
Show me a rich man
And I will show you
A man who shares his knowledge
To life, what have you given?
That you expect so much from it?
Gifts are for sharing
Why bury youf gift
On the sand of time
Show me an untapped talent
And I will walk you
Through the cemetery.
Your gifts are for life-sharing
Share all you have to share
Reveal all you have to hide
Help save a dying generation
Life is all about sharing.
Nsikak Andrew  
9th August, 2002
Dark Sunny Cloud

It looks like
A filter smoke from the cigarette stock
It looks like
The carbon smoke from the car's bonnets
It feels like
A dark cloud before a rainy day.
The mind feels it and becomes terrified
It smokes slowly till it consumes the heart
And in a world you can never determined
Oh search the mind
Does it harbour a dark sunny cloud?
That feeling you can never feel self or secure.
There is only one way out
Read God's Holy Word daily
It kills the dark for a sunny cloud
That purifies the soul
And simplify your everyday daily living.
Nsikak Andrew  
23th April, 2002
Humble Beginning
From a humble family way back in the 1970s,
Born a humble man with a humble attitude
It takes so much from my parents to actualize
The joy in which they now come to share
Though the head is long gone
And now our dear mother is gone too
But we are still here to carry on the big struggle.
Simply, I think of words to describe myself,
But one word is worth that million – Humility
I see it in me and have come to appreciate that value so much
I found out that I got so many gifts in me
That I now see them drop out like real heaven.
I bless the Good Lord for the humble gift in my life
I have come to see that those without focus
And people to look up to, should dear one way – Go the Lord's way,
He gave to those who have no one to look up to
He is there to make your life worth living
Look up to Him. He never fails!
Live your life for the Lord.
He will guide and direct your path
When you give Him all you got
He will provide all you need
He is so loving a Father that there is nothing
We ask from Him that we believe in, that He will not provide
Love Him with all your heart and might
He will love and embarrass you will His abundant blessing.

Nsikak Andrew




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Inspirational Poems about Life to Uplift and Encourage
These collections of inspirational poems about life and poems to uplift and encourage are words of inspirational wisdom that would inspire you.
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