
Heartfelt Emotional Sad Inspiring Poems about Death and Loss of Loved One

These sad poems about death, unexpected death poems and grief and loss poems are inspirational poems about death of a friend and loved ones.

Grief and Loss Poems in English

Death is an end and it is the way of all mortals. These sad poems about death are words that grief the heart for the departed loved ones.

There is hope and we know that someday, we shall meet, to path no more. Inspirational Poems About Life And Poems To Uplift And Encourage

If you are griefed by the loss of a loved one, let these sad poems about death console your heart.

Sad Poems About Death. It is natural to feel sadness and emotion when you lose a loved one. These sad poems about death are to console and encourage you that there is hope after all.  

[Dedicated To Mother Teresa] 

Ringlet on her face 
Traces of faded treasure
But a heart of gold
Gold that washes humanity with elution  
That purified the life of all.

She was selfless and focused
A caring soul even to the end
Which generation will birth her?
None! For her good work transcends ages.

Mother of all
A rare gem to humanity
What a humble name she bears – Mother Teresa.

Nsikak Andrew 
18th February, 2008 & 4th March, 2008

Defeated Hand 

Crying whelms…
The fragrance of death spread
World without end when shall it be.

The living watch with thoughts that travel
Route for all, a journey we all must partake
Who could change the will?

Dancers dance, sounds re-echo,
Refreshment spread, songs sang,
Prayer offered but the deed has been done.

The owner has taken his own
Who could query Him?
For that which was joined together 
The hand of death has stolen away.

Who bears the pain?
Who will comfort the bereaved?
Same who taketh shall be their comforter
For life without end is like a sleep into oblivion.

Nsikak Andrew 
26th January, 2008 & 4th March, 2008

Dead While Alive
[Dedicated to the Aluu 4, Ugonna, Lloyd, Tekena and Chidiaka]

Sleep in Aluu,
Murdered in the morning
They were on a mission
To collect the debt due to their friend
But fate had another plan towards them.
It came like a daylight joke
Which to them was a huge lie
But death serious were the mobs
Waiting in anger but carrying the act
Which the wickedness of their heart bears.
Thief, thief, the sound became louder
Louder like the wailing of sacrificial echoes
Only the devilish minds could sing her song
With no thought of a second chance of reasoning
If actually, the wails of their chorus were true or not.
Oh, pain in Aluu,
You have committed a sacrilege against those bloods
That, which the womb of a mother bears in tears
Labouring within nine months as her gestation is in wait
With her day-like joy in moments of sorrow.
Aluu, are you cursed with a curse?
A generation whose youth shall never be proud to say
This is the land of my ancestors without igniting a blink
As to the remembrance of their devilish and evil deeds
To those souls, you took without any cause of justification.
This is the city, the heart of the city
City to which they sang, city with no love for their own
The city they live for, the city that has shown them no love
The same city that made the world weep for them
Same garden city to which the Aluu clan belongs.
You have taken the joy of a mother in old age
And made the families weep without any replacement
Sorrow, blood and tears you brought to the faces of all
Why and why could this happen in a civilized society?
How could we lose the innermost conscience of our hearts?
It pains, it pains, it pains,
Yet the hand of time, we can’t turn
Nor can we bring back that which we can’t give
Whoever has done this to your innocent souls
May their days ever be like that which they did to you.
For you, we pour out our hearts,
To your loved ones, we share their deep grieve
In togetherness, we lit a candle in our hearts
For the light you bring might never dim
But rather others would be strengthened by it.
Forever rest in peace
Sleep well from the pains of this evil world
You have paid an innocent price for no crime
Yet crucified without any respect for human life
For you, the glorious throne shall ever be your reign.
Adieu Lloyd! Adieu Ugonna!!, Adieu Tekena!!!, Adieu Chidiaka!!!
Your blood shall never go unpunished to those who did this to you
They will always live to go the way they made you all go through
Continue to rest in the bosom of your Lord and Maker
With love, peace and respect we chant to the tomb where you rest.
Nsikak Andrew 
17th November, 2012

Emotional Poems About Death Of A Loved One. It may be hard to express your feelings when you lose a loved one. These emotional poems are here as a source of encouragement for you. Poems About Loving Someone Unconditionally And Breathtaking Love Poems For Someone Special

Another Cry 

Cries heard beyond the surface,
Tears that flow like a narrow stream
Questions asked without an answer
When shall this cry cease?

The crowd has gathered
In Song of tears they make their melody
If only our Maker would repeal this decree 
That has become the way of all mortals.

Tears I saw,
Cries I heard,
Confusion I behold,
Day of sorrow again!

Good people why?
Why depopulate the earth
That evil will populate.

Nsikak Andrew 
28th January, 2008


Memories of a blissful life
Life that gathered in the bliss of our soul
Sweet memories of you
Memories that remind us of your good tiding
Good tiding that elicits smiles
Smiles that dent like fine linen 
Fine linen that blew like the sojourning of a grey blue sky.

You came,
You live,
You saw,
And now you’re gone,
Gone with that unforgettable aura
That now awaits us to wait
For the day of thy glorious awakening.

Nsikak Andrew 
8th October, 2008

Sad Salutation 
[Dedicated to “Goldie” - Susan Oluwabimpe Harvey]

Sad Valentine
With sad salutation of love
Icon of braveness
With an attitude of thoughtfulness
Sad life with a sad world
But our home above beckons
With the silence of adoration.
Life is too short but well-spent
Sad that it has to end this way
A thought for the champion
But see what the unforeseen hand
The inevitable hand for all has done
Now tears have become a song of pains
The song which only the Creator can comfort.
Life was so full of living yet the end came
End that gave no moment of warning
Now how do we explain this to all
That life so full of adorable fun
Closed with no single word of salutation
Words that would comfort all to live
The same words that could bring hope alive.
It has come, it has gone
And all we could do was weep
The Gold is gone without a goodbye 
Now there will never be another Goldie
Who will give us another “Jawo Jawo”,
Where shall we find “Don’t Touch My Body”
And where is the hit “You Know It”...
Oh rest in love
For the day so red with love
There you decide to fade with love
In love we all love you
And in love we all say goodbye
Goodbye, for another of you shall never be
Life, is so bright, rest with love in the day of love.
Nsikak Andrew 
15th February 2013

Unexpected Death Poems. Here are poems about the loss of loved ones. When we lose something that is precious to us, it hurts, it griefs the heart.  

Air Of Death 

Country of wealth
Bastardized by cheaters
Profit and more profit they seek
But the safety of her citizenry
Are policies condemned to the dustbin
Now the air that breathes life
Are cabins that soar in obsolete.

Fly the sky
Then hold your heart in terror
The invention of the Wright Brothers 
Had taken the name ascribed to used cars
Whose safety is up above the sky     
Are prayers of supplication to our Creator 
For benevolent mercies in the land of the living.

Glorified coffins,
Cover your face in shame
For many children, you have made fatherless
And many mothers' untimely widows
Our society you have been blessed with mourning
An untimely end to destinies you have brought
Just for a selfish motive to enrich your account. 

Nsikak Andrew 
10th October, 2007 & 18th January, 2008

Lowered Beneath 

Shout of crying
Watered with tears
Darkness in the midst of sunshine
Six feet have been dug
With two heavy sticks lay.

In the company of two robes
It must accomplish her mission 
For to the earth beneath,
The remaining must be lowered
For a downward journey to oblivion.

Lowered in dust to dust
Slowly by slowly the robes descent
With the uncertainty that thoughts provoked 
Under six-feet, it rested 
With a shovel, the earth is covered.

Nsikak Andrew 
16th September, 2007

Grief And Loss Poems. Whether it is a  loved one or a friend or the people around you, it pains to see life go. Ever Since I Met You Text Messages For The One You Love


World with pains
Religion emblazoned in violence
Whose course are they fighting?

Death buried in callousness
What a shame to the cowards.

Where is theirs?
Faith is misinterpreted as doom.

Are they human?
Who has given them the right?
To take that which they can’t give.

Heartless fathers
Soulless campaigners
What place is left for them?

For the sake of their belief,
They had left peace and become mourners
Tears that would doubt their belief.

Nsikak Andrew 
12th August, 2007

Rivers Of Blood

Seasons of woes
Painted in drains of blood
Rivers of hope
Harbourer of black-gold
How your land 
Outflows with innocent blood.

A day out is unsure of…
For your area harbour street cultist 
Who makes life unsafe for inhabitants 
Now militants are more deadly than the military 
For the sake of cheap money
Many of you have been escorted to their early grave. 

Where is the garden in your city?
All I heard was blood flow that zipped in violence
Your citizenry places theirs…
Your ladies are prompt to…
Your young men have learned a trade… 
Matching ground is a way
The threat of death is allowed…  

Rivers! When shall you have a rethink?
For your eyes are blindfolded to reality 
That anyone who wars with himself
Shall never attract much progress to her soil
Think and think again.

Nsikak Andrew 
3rd July, 2007

Green Honour  

Piles of paper scattered in the air 
To no particular direction, it flew
Smokes of death spray away
To the sky, it has gone to discolour.

Roars of thunder in September 
A brighter Sunday covered in dark sadness 
Oh! Sunday of peace, now Sunday of gory sight
What a dark day in our nation’s history.

In a roll call,
Air that breath life,
Now air that bares death
Oh! What a dark history in our nation’s life.

Eight Major Generals have gone
Two Brigadier Generals gone
Two Wing Commanders gone
One Lt. Col. gone  
All gone in the carcass of the NAF 033.

Departed heroes
Match on, match on…
In royal splendor match on
Defender of our nascent democracy
Match on to eternal glory.

Nsikak Andrew 
28th June, 2007

Poems About Death Of A Friend. Find here some of the perfect words to express your heart's feelings for a friend you lost. 

Live On
[Dedicated To My Late Friend Uforo]

Never will I say RIP
Live on!
For the songs you wrote
Shall ever be a song
On the altar of grace.  

How do I say goodbye?
When within my heart 
You live on
For the songs you wrote
Shall ever be sang
On the altar of grace.

Brother of a different parent
Friend beyond comprehension
Dreams we dreamt,
Plans we made
Future we foreseen
But what happened to them?

I shall forever ask these questions
For life has taught me a lesson in you
Silent tears fill my heart with pain.
Live on…
For the memories of you
Shall ever be a guiding light to my path.

Nsikak Andrew 
10th February, 2007

It Is Well 

Tears you roll
For a thought of you
Weakened my heart with tears.

Down below the dark earth,
There you lie all alone
Gone with that infectious smile
That is irreplaceable.

Miserable my heart shall remain
For it roamed my imagination 
Like a wanderer with no destination
Weeping and crying, wishing and asking
How did it happen?, Where are you?

Wish I could breathe life…
For the memories of you
Are like priceless treasures.

Nsikak Andrew 
17th May, 2007

Poems About Death Of Loved Ones. Here are poems to console the heart on losing a loved one that is so dear to your heart.  Sweet Love Poems And Sweet Romantic Poems Of Love From The Heart

Here She Lied  
[Tribute to my Grandmother] 

Here she lied 
A great woman she was
Whose love was larger than life.

Here she lied
A great woman she was
Whose heart accommodates everyone.

Here she lied
A great woman she was
Whose popularity shores beyond Afaha Iman.

Here she lied
A great woman she was
Whose memory would never depart from us.

Here she lied
A great woman she was
For everything about her was glorification.

Here finally she lied
A great woman she was
Whose life is an example
That generation would strive to emulate.

Nsikak Andrew 
28th June, 2007

December Of Grieve
[Dedicated to my Mother]

December for me
is the month mixed
with grieves and sorrow.
I could turn back
the hands of time.
How I wish,
but this wish
is only what
the eternity of life
had taken away.
that you are
not here.
Grieved that
it had to go
this way.
The way
of all mortals.
my heart still felt
that moment
of a lost battle.
Sleep well
in immaculate
rest from the Creator.
Nsikak Andrew 
1st December, 2015

Light Out Of The Tunnel 
[Tribute To Chief The Hon. Nyong Essien, 1892 – 1976] 

In the dark age of colonialism 
A candle lit in the tunnel
As a guiding light to emancipation.

In the robe of our nationalist dream,
A candle rode among our great nationalists
With one voice to seek for our independence.

A true son of Uruan Inyang Atakpo he was,
He whose root couldn’t deter
Who says the Ibibio are minorities?

When his peers were far asleep,
He arose like a towering Iroko tree
With a foresight that buried colonialism.

Father of Nigeria Legislature,
The power of laws you uphold 
That we shall ever be one entity.

Founder of Ibibio State Union
Our land you filled with the educated
For your thoughts, we have seen the light.

First President Eastern Regional House of Chiefs
Our traditional customs and values supersede  
That our past, we shall always tell in the future.

The Nsom of Uruan,
Among your people, you accepted their honour
For an illustrious son, they say,
Is known by the honour in his land of birth.

The true son of your father’s land,
Akwa Abasi Ibom says sung sung-o
Nigerian says thank you
For the faith you kept makes us one nation.

Nsikak Andrew 
9th January, 2007 & 25th June, 2007




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Heartfelt Emotional Sad Inspiring Poems about Death and Loss of Loved One
These sad poems about death, unexpected death poems and grief and loss poems are inspirational poems about death of a friend and loved ones.
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